This is a standard and simply structured library. With the added functionality of bulk processing capabilites when using the Pandas "ta" DataFrame Extension.
The Pandas "ta" DataFrame Extension allows for flexible and simplified syntax to quickly ...
All other data preprocessing and postprocessing is left to the developer.
Library Structure#
The library has a Standard Flat Library Structure; much like TA Lib. Indicators are grouped into the following Categories: candles, cycles, momentum, overlap, performance, statistics, transform, trend, volatility and volume.
Documentation Format#
Source docstrings are formatted for mkdocs and mkdocs-docstrings for improved readability on the web.
Unstable Period#
Some Technical Analysis indicators create different results depending on it's "starting point". In other words, it is not memoryless since the current value depends on prior values, e.g. Exponential Moving Average.
Thanks to all those that have sponsored and dontated to the library in the past! Your support has been greatly appreciated!
However, future releases are on definite hold until 100+ donations of $150+ have been received via Buy Me a Coffee.
Help keep this library and application the best in it's class!