How to ...
... do certain things with the library.
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How to get the Pandas TA version?
| import pandas_ta as ta
How to get the TA Categories?
| import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
df = pd.DataFrame()
categories = df.ta.categories()
# Or as a Dict Keys
How to get a list of indicators?
| import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
df = pd.DataFrame()
# Print the list of all the available indicators
# Or as a Dict where keys are categories
# Get a list of all the available indicators
ind_list = df.ta.indicators(as_list=True)
# Exclude a category of indicators
ind_list = df.ta.indicators(exclude=ta.Category["cycles"])
How to add and remove constants to a DataFrame?
| import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
df = pd.DataFrame()
# Add constant '1' to the DataFrame
df.ta.constants(True, [1])
# Remove constant '1' to the DataFrame
df.ta.constants(False, [1])
# Adding constants for charting
import numpy as np
chart_lines = np.append(np.arange(-4, 5, 1), np.arange(-100, 110, 10))
df.ta.constants(True, chart_lines)
# Removing some constants from the DataFrame
df.ta.constants(False, np.array([-60, -40, 40, 60]))
How to reverse the DataFrame?
| import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
df = # ohlcv where datetime index is latest to oldest
df = df.ta.reverse()
How to add Candle Patterns to a DataFrame?
| # Note: TA Lib must be installed for all patterns
import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
df = pd.DataFrame()
# Get all candle patterns. The default
df = df.ta.cdl_pattern(name="all")
# OR using the "ta" extension
# A single pattern
df = df.ta.cdl_pattern(name="doji")
# OR using the "ta" extension
df.ta.cdl_pattern(name="doji", append=True)
# Multiple patterns
df = df.ta.cdl_pattern(name=["doji", "inside"])
# OR using the "ta" extension
df.ta.cdl_pattern(name"doji", "inside"], append=True)
How to use Volume Profile?
vp or "Volume Profile" is unique among the indicators.
| import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
df = pd.DataFrame()
# Default
vp = ta.vp(df.Close, df.Volume)
# For more info, see
How to change the case of the DataFrame Columns?
| # Lower
df.columns = df.columns.str.lower()
# Upper
df.columns = df.columns.str.upper()
# Title
df.columns = df.columns.str.title()
How to create and use a Custom/Private Directory?
This is an example file to put in the custom directory to verify
the custom directory is working properly. |
| # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pandas import Series
from pandas_ta._typing import DictLike, Int, IntFloat
from import ma
from pandas_ta.utils import v_mamode, v_offset, v_pos_default, v_series
def ni(
close: Series, length: Int = None,
centered: bool = False, mamode: str = None,
offset: Int = None, **kwargs: DictLike
"""Example indicator (NI)
Is an indicator provided solely as an example
[Custom Directory - Issue 264](
close (pd.Series): Series of 'close's
length (int): It's period. Default: ```20```
mamode (str): Chosen Moving Average. Default: ```"sma"```
centered (bool): Shift the ni back by ```int(0.5 * length) + 1```.
Default: ```False```
offset (int): How many periods to offset the result.
Default: ```0```
Other Parameters:
fillna (value, optional): Replaces ```na```'s with ```value```.
(pd.Series): Custom Indicator Example Series.
""" # Validate Arguments
length = v_pos_default(length, 20)
close = v_series(close, length)
if close is None:
mamode = v_mamode(mamode, "sma")
offset = v_offset(offset)
# Calculate Result
ma = ma(mamode, close, length=length, **kwargs)
t = int(0.5 * length) + 1
ni = close - ma.shift(t)
if centered:
ni = (close.shift(t) - ma).shift(-t)
# Offset
if offset != 0:
ni = ni.shift(offset)
# Handle fills
if "fillna" in kwargs:
ni.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
# Name and Categorize it = f"ni_{length}"
ni.category = "trend"
return ni
# - Define a matching class method --------------------------------------------
def ni_method(self, length=None, offset=None, **kwargs):
close = self._get_column(kwargs.pop("close", "close"))
result = ni(close=close, length=length, offset=offset, **kwargs)
return self._post_process(result, **kwargs)
This is a detailed process of what creating a custom directory does.
| import os
import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
from os.path import abspath, join, expanduser
from pandas_ta.custom import create_dir, import_dir
# Create an empty directory on your machine where you want to work
# with your indicators. Invoke pandas_ta.custom.import_dir once to
# pre-populate it with sub-folders for all available indicator
# categories, e.g.:
ta_dir = abspath(join(expanduser("~"), "my_indicators"))
# Add/Create your own custom indicator e.g. by copying existing ones
# from pandas_ta core module and modifying them.
# IMPORTANT: Each custom indicator must have a unique name and have both
# a) a function named exactly as the module, e.g. 'ni' if the
# module is
# b) a matching method used by AnalysisIndicators named as the module but
# ending with '_method'. E.g. 'ni_method'
# In essence these modules should look exactly like the standard
# indicators available in categories under the pandas_ta/src/ folders.
# The only difference will be an addition of a matching class method.
# For an example of the correct structure, look at the example
# in the examples folder.
# The indicator is a trend indicator so therefore we drop it
# into the sub-folder named trend. Thus we have a folder structure
# like this:
# ~/my_indicators/
# │
# ├── candles/
# .
# .
# └── trend/
# . └──
# .
# └── volume/
# Now dynamically load all custom indicators located in designated
# indicators directory:
# If the custom indicator(s) loaded successfully, then it should
# behave exactly like all other native indicators in pandas_ta,
# including help functions.
How to run a speed_test?
| # Verbose basic Speed Test without talib
speedsdf = ta.speed_test(df, talib=False, verbose=True)
# For more options: