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Thanks to all current and past sponsors, whose generous support has been and continues to be essential to the success of the library! 🙏 Support through contributions, donations & sponsorships is necessary to ensure the project's continued success and development. By choosing not to support this library and it's funding needs, you choose to discontinue the support and maintenance needs necessary to keep it alive.

Library Growth#

Pandas TA Project Star History Chart

license Python Version PyPi Version Package Status Downloads Conda Downloads Stars Forks Used By Contributors Issues Closed Issues Buy Me a Coffee

Despite what the usage metrics indicate, current and past levels of support are unsustainable for maintaining and improving the library.


Thanks to all those that have sponsored and dontated to the library in the past! Your support has been greatly appreciated! 🙏

However, future releases are on definite hold until 100+ donations of $150+ have been received via Buy Me a Coffee.

Help keep this library and application the best in it's class!

Churn Rate#

This adaption from Intercooler JS helps clarify why Pandas TA also does not have a high churn rate.

"This is not because it is dead, but rather because it is (mostly) right: the basic idea is right, and the implementation at least right enough.

Thus there will not be constant activity and churn on the project, but rather a stewardship relationship, where the main goal now is to not screw it up. Documentation and testing will be improved, features/indicators will be added/removed as needed, but there will be no massive rewrite or constant updating. This is in contrast with the software industry in general, which often has comical levels of churn."

"Buy Me A Coffee"
